The Manual Backup page is the major tabpage where everything starts. From this page, you can create a backup of the website manually for restoration or migration.

WPvivid Pro Manual Backup Page

This tab page is made up of 3 sections, which is also the 3 steps you need to go through to make a manual backup.

Step 1: Choose backup location

Choose where you want to store the backup: Iocalhost or remote storage. You also have the option to add a comment to the backups for easier identification.

Step 2: Choose what to back up

In this step, you can select files, folders, and database tables that you want to back up, and exclude files/folders from the backup.

  • Database: Exclude certain tables or include additional databases.
  • Files & Folders Will Be Backed Up: choose the WordPress files/folders and additional files/folder you want to back up.
  • Exclude Additional Files/Folders: Select a folder from the dropdown menu and select files or folders inside, then click Exclude Files/Folders button to exclude them. You can also enter file types to exclude all files of the type from the selected folder. Click the trashcan icon to delete files/folders from exclusion list.

WPvivid Pro Choose Backup Content

Step 3: Perform the backup

Once you are done with the settings, click on Backup Now button to start backing up. You can choose to lock the backup, a locked backup can only be deleted manually.


  1. WPvivid Backup Plugin(Free and Pro) does not restore the .htaccess and wpconfig.php files as it can easily cause problems to restore the same .htaccess and wpconfig.php files on a different site. You should download and copy them manually as needed.
  2. WPvivid will exclude itself from a backup or migration. You can export the plugin settings from the old site and import them into the new migrated site on the plugin Settings page.
  3. When migrating a child theme that relies on the main(parent) theme. Make sure you also include the main theme if it is not activated.
  4. In order to successfully complete the migration, you’d better deactivate 301 redirect pluginfirewall and security plugin, and caching plugin (if they exist) before transferring website.