by Tony | Jun 20, 2022 | Troubleshooting
The error ‘Backup the file ends with an error Failed to add zip files. status string’ is usually caused by insufficient disk space. Please check the disk space. Generally, the free disk space should be at least twice the size of the backup. Also, in shared...
by Tony | May 7, 2022 | Troubleshooting
This error can occur during a restoration or migration process. When the error occurs, our plugin can not unzip your backup. Because the backup is either incomplete or corrupted. This may happened during the process of downloading/transferring the backup file. A...
by Tony | Apr 2, 2022 | Backup & Migration Pro
Amazon S3 currently supports virtual hosted-style(bucket style) and path-style access as bucket access styles. Most s3-compatible storage providers support both styles but some providers only support the path-style. In the case where your storage provider only...
by Tony | Mar 22, 2022 | Backup & Migration Pro
Once your website has been exported, based on the exporting way you used, you can import it to the target site with the corresponding import options on the Import Site page: Option 1: Import the Source Site from Localhost(Web Server) With this option, you can upload...
by Tony | Mar 22, 2022 | Backup & Migration Pro
On the Export Site page, you can export your website in 3 ways: Way 1. Export to Localhost(web server) With this way, you can export your website to localhost in zip(s). Then you can download it to your computer and import it to a different site. It is the stablest...